Out of School Club
We are proud to offer a full wrap around service for pupils, parents and carers of Ninelands Primary School. The wrap around care/out of school club (OOSC) is provided for parents/cares by staff employed by Ninelands Primary School. The wrap around care is very popular and flexible to meet your needs. We ask that bookings are made in advance, and if possible a regular booking pattern confirmed, we do also accept last minute, ad-hoc bookings to meet your needs.
All bookings are made by e-mail outofschoolclub@ninelands-school.co.uk or by tele 07515 410171
The OOSC is open to pupils from Nursery onwards.
Open for October, February, May, Easter and Summer holidays 8.00-5.00
Mrs Amanda Robinson, Extended Services Manager, is supported by our team of experienced Playworkers.
E-mail outofschoolclub@ninelands-school.co.uk Mobile 07515 410 171
To book Holiday Clubs -please visit https://ninelandsprimaryschool.schoolcloud.co.uk/
Ninelands Out of School Club Policy